Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tips for Writing Effective Emails

While email marketing can be trying with those pesky spam filters, it’s a great tool to reach your target audience. Remember, a poorly completed email can negatively affect your brand. To put your best foot forward and connect with consumers, try these tips.
  • Clearly state your purpose in the first couple sentences, and never mislead you reader.
  • Use bold text, lists and bullets to make the most important parts of your message easy to find for your busy reader.
  • Don’t write in all caps or use smiley faces and other emoticons.
  • Avoid attachments.
  • Don’t forget your call to action. Make it simple and clear.
  • Include your contact info.
  • Proofread your email. Having a friend or colleague proofread your message is best since you’re very close to the content.
  • Use permission marketing—when people consent to allowing you to send them messages. You’ll get much better response rates when your reader wants what you’re sending.
  • Be concise and clear in your subject line, putting your most important info first.

While overall shorter subject lines correlate with higher open rates, a recent study by Epsilon shows that subject line word order and content can be just as important. According to Epsilon, most people look to the first 38-47 characters of the subject line, and what they contain. It is important that the reader thinks the subject is relevant to them, and feels like they will miss out on something valuable if they don’t open the email.

Share your best practices for writing effective emails!

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